Progress Toward More Resilient Infrastructures

Extreme weather, sea level rise, and increased temperatures threaten investments in transportation infrastructure. Hence, resilience is becoming a critical consideration for highway and transportation engineers.

National efforts toward more resilient infrastructure begins with documented commitment and policies. The Federal Highway Administration issued Order 5520: Transportation System Preparedness and Resilience to Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events to establish FHWA policy, approach, and responsibilities with addressing these risks. Therefore, it is time to discuss incorporation of resilience into design and decision-making procedures.

This presentation focuses on the adaptation strategies and incorporation of resilience in infrastructure construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, and preservation processes. It will highlight some recent FHWA activities on resilience. It also will include the results of two case studies from Transportation Engineering Approaches to Climate Resiliency (TEACR) projects with focus on temperature and precipitation impacts on infrastructure.

Learning objectives:

  • Engage a multi-disciplinary group of stakeholders to discuss and identify strategies and guidance for designing more resilient infrastructure
  • Integrate the national resilience discussion into the specific domain of infrastructure


10:45 AM - 11:15 AM
24 May 2024


Amir Golalipour
Highway Research Engineer, Office of Infrastructure Research and Development, Federal Highway Administration