Beyond Carrots: The Legal Sticks of Climate Adaptation Failure in Construction

As climate change impacts intensify, the design and construction sectors face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Our program offers a concise yet powerful exploration of the legal landscape and risk management insights for climate adaptation in design and construction.

We'll cover critical topics, from the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report's urgent findings and projections on climate conditions near and long term to instructive case law. This will help industry stakeholders understand how courts may view the responsibility of asset owners, design and construction stakeholders, and governmental entities in preparing and adapting the built environment for optimal resiliency against worsening weather conditions.

Participants will gain valuable insights into how courts are addressing climate change impacts, from local government actions to design firm liabilities, and the implications of new regulations on construction practices. We will emphasize the importance of forward-thinking strategies that not only mitigate legal risks but also position companies as leaders in sustainable and resilient development. This session is designed to spark dialogue among government representatives, design professionals, and construction stakeholders, encouraging collaboration and innovation in the face of ongoing and future climate challenges.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will understand the urgency of climate integration considerations in design and construction.
  • Participants will appreciate evolving legal responsibilities and liabilities: Learners will explore how courts are currently interpreting the legal obligations of various parties in the context of climate change.
  • Attendees will assess the importance of climate risks in project planning and design: Industry stakeholders will be more informed about potential liability exposures around adaptation claims and failure to adapt claims and the heightened importance of proactive efforts in the face of foreseeable (yet still uncertain) climate impacts.
  • Foster leadership and innovation in climate-resilient practices: Participants will learn to leverage climate awareness as a competitive advantage. They will be encouraged to stay informed on evolving legal and regulatory frameworks, adopt sustainable and resilient design and construction practices, and engage in interdisciplinary collaboration to innovate and continuously improve climate resilience in their projects.


09:15 AM - 10:15 AM
23 May 2024


Yvonne Castillo
Sr. Vice President, Director of Risk Management & Global ESG Chair, Victor Insurance Managers, LLC
Mika Dewitz-Cryan
Vice President, Risk Management Attorney, Victor
Frank Musica
Professional Liability Risk Advisor, Victor Insurance
